Wednesday, October 20, 2010

My Eyebrows

I realized last night that I spend an inordinate amount of time looking at my eyebrows. From plucking them, to smoothing them, to being generally annoyed by them, they consume far to much of my time.

As I was staring at them last night, I realized that my eyebrows are a perfect reflection on my life. No matter how ofter I pluck, the hairs grow back. No matter how carefully I try to get at the strays I can never get them all. No matter how much time i spend working on them, they essentially look the same.

My eyebrows are boring. they aren't big or bushy or even very small. They are ordinary everyday eyebrows.

My life isn't big, busy or even very small.  It's an everyday ordinary life, but I still try and control it.

My picking, plucking and endless staring is something I want to let go.
I need to let go - and this is my forum for it.

Here I plan and call myself out, make myself accountable and hopefully find a kind of peace.

My personal journal, possibly for public consumption.

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